MOACAC Board Nominations

Each year, the Governance and Nominating Committee collects nominations for the following positions (see below). A full slate of candidates is presented to the MOACAC General Membership at our Annual Conference in the spring. Nominations will reopen in Fall 2024.

President-Elect: 3-year term

Treasurer-Elect: 3-year term

Rising Star Award: This award is given to a MOACAC member who has been in the college admission profession less than three years and has contributed to helping students by enthusiastic and professional involvement in the college admission profession.  More than one award may be given each year.

Peggy Clinton Memorial Service Award: Peggy Clinton epitomized the role of the true admission professional. Some of those qualities include being detail-focused and caring for the well being of the students with whom she worked. She was an active member of MOACAC and worked during the 60’s and 70’s for William Woods College. Peggy was respected, admired and loved by all. This award is bestowed upon an admission professional who exemplifies the qualities that made Peggy so special.

All nominations must be submitted by January 31, 2025.  If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Charlie Hungerford, Immediate Past-President and Chair, Governance and Nominating Committee.

Outline of President-Elect/President/Past-President Duties

The duties of the President-Elect shall be:

  • To preside in the absence of the President
  • To serve as liaison to the Conference Planning Committee

The duties of the President shall be to:

  • Preside at meetings of the Association and the Executive Board
  • Serve as ex-officio member of committees
  • Appoint any committees deemed advisable by the Executive Board
  • Appoint chairs of the MOACAC standing committees
  • Maintain the records of the Association

The duties of the Past-President shall be:

  • To act as Chair of the Governance and Nominating standing committee
  • To serve on the MOACAC Long Range and Fiscal Planning Committee

Outline of Treasurer-Elect/Treasurer/Past-Treasurer Duties

The duties of the Treasurer-Elect shall be:

  • Provide budget planning documents and assistance to the standing committee chairs

The duties of the Treasurer shall be:

  • To be responsible for the funds of the Association

The duties of the Past-Treasurer shall be:

  • To serve as the Chair for the Long Range and Fiscal Planning Committee


Governance and Nominating Chair

Teresa Haney
Missouri State University
Springfield, MO
[email protected]